venice apartment to rent

venice apartment to rent

How to reach Venice from Venice airport "Marco Polo"

For those which will arrives at the international airport "Marco Polo", in the arrivals zone there are the information desks, and in particular that of the Municipality (Comune) of Venice. The hostesses will be able to provide you maps and give to you informations about the way to reach the city. Here some advice about how to arrive in Venice.


1. By land: buses and taxis

Several buses services connects the airport to the terminal of Venice, named "Piazzale Roma".


The line 5 - "Aerobus" of ACTV (the public local transport company) has departures every 20 minutes and every hour after 9.40 p.m. The Line 5, or AeroBus, leaves from the bus stop a few meters outside the exit of the arrivals lounge in the airport (Exit B). The journey take approximately 25 minutes.

(Information: Tel. +39 0415287886,


A service of buses of the ATVO (the regional transport company) connects Piazzale Roma to the airport from 5.00 a.m. to 8.40 p.m., and the airport to Piazzale Roma from 8.30 a. m. to 8.30 p. m. At the peak hours, the buses leave every 30 minutes. The journey take approximately 25 minutes.

(information: Tel : +39 0415205530 -0415415180,


Taxis (cars) connects 24/24 hours Piazzale Roma to the airport€. The taxi rank is at the exit of the airport. Possible reservations at the Radio Taxi service: tel. +39 041936222.


From Piazzale Roma, you can reach the apartment by foot in 25/30 minutes or by the public boats, called "vaporetti" (see the section "arriving to Rialto").


2. By water: public boats (waterbuses) and boat-taxis

With the public service of Alilaguna boat shuttles of the "orange" line, which departures it's every hour from the quay of the airport, you can reach Rialto stop in less than one hour.

The "red" line arrives to San Marco (St Mark's) Square, along the way Murano - Fondamente Nove - Lido: the journey take 1h 10' ( to the stop Fondamente Nove it's take 40 minutes). 

The tickets can be also bought on board (15,00 €euros  for each person, one-way ticket. Informations and schedules: tel. +39 0415416555, ).

Our apartments are at the same distance from both stops (Rialto or San Marco). From Rialto boat stop you can reach the apartment by foot in 5 minutes; same time from San Marco boat stop.

The boat-taxis are the fastest - and more expensive - means to join the center of Venice since the airport. That take 40 minutes and each boat can take until to 10 people, with a small difference in the price. Be wary of the retailers of tickets of boat-taxis at the black market, which take much more than the official price. The service of taxis of the airport is managed by Cooperativa Motoscafi.

(Information: tel. +39 0415415084).


To arrive at the quay of the boats it's necessary to leave the airport and follow  the indications "traghetto - taxi" to the left. You will pass under a long transparent roof and will walk for 5 minutes, until to the counter of the tickets.



PHOTOGRAPHS: bus and taxi


While leaving the edifice of the airport of Venice you are in front of two quays. First is reserved to the taxis...



...Second is reserved to the public buses of local transport ACTV. 




The blue buses are regional transport, the ATVO. The majority of the buses have Venice like destination, but it should be controlled on the screens.



PHOTOGRAPHS: waterbuses


The long transparent roof between the aerostation with the quay of the boats. At the exit one meets the quay of the taxis.


After 20 meters, there's the tickets counter of Alilaguna service.



The landing-stage of Alilaguna shuttles.



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