venice apartment to rent

venice apartment to rent

Parkings in Venice.1: pay parkings

Parkings in Venice.1: pay parkings


Arriving in Venice by car


You can arrive in Venice by some motorways (announced by green panels: A4 from Trieste or Turin, A27 from Belluno, A13 from Bologna:) or by nationals roads (announced by blue panels with "SS", "Strada Statale" or "National road": SS 309 Romea, of the Adriatic coast, SS 14 to Trieste, S 13 to Treviso, SS 11 to Padua). Once arrived at Venice lagoon, you must take the "Ponte della Libertà" ("Freedom Bridge"), which connects Venice to the mainland.


Solution 1: The car parks "Pili" at Ponte della Libertà

Two parkings are located just before the bridge over the lagoon, in Via Righi, a hundred meters before the two monuments in marble or "pili" made on its start. This is a good choice, because the car parks are economic and from there you can go to Venice in 5 minutes with any bus ACTV.

Park 2000 "Pili": ( 0039) 0415318670

Place car Cost: 5.00 euros per 24 hours

Green Park: (0039) 0415317315

Place car Cost: 5.00 euros per 24 hours

Solution 2: Piazzale Roma parkings

At the end of the "Ponte della Libertà" follow the indications "Piazzale Roma", the Venice car terminal. You can't go beyond this place with your car: from Piazzale Roma, you can reach easy the town center (Rialto or San Marco) by feets or by public boats service. On Piazzale Roma you cannot station with your car more than 30 minutes (... if you find a place!)

You can leave your car in one of the two principal carparks, the "Garage San Marco" or the "Autorimessa Comunale", or in one of the less important carparks.


How to reach these carparks:

At the second curve to the end of the "Ponte della Libertà", while arriving on Piazzale Roma, you will find at your right a big white building: the " Autorimessa comunale", the municipal garage. Turn right at the corner of the building, skirt it and exceed it; in front of the opposite corner you find the " Garage San Marco". On the place, some other possibilities of parking.


Characteristics of the MUNICIPAL GARAGE

Autorimessa Comunale - Asm - 30135 Venezia (VE) - 365/b S. Croce

Tel: (0039) 0412727211 - fax: (0039) 041723131

Price places car: € 24,00 each 24 hours


The municipal garage  A.S.M. S.p.A. is the most important parking between the Piazzale Roma carparks. It offers 2284 car places and 255 motor bike places, distributed on 6 stages, ten carparks rooms and two terraces. In 1998 it was completely restructured and equipped by an automated entry system and of 200 cameras which ensure to the control center an constant monitoring of all the rooms, in addition to the monitoring by the personnel.


In front of the entry of the garage at the corner towards Piazzale Roma there is the stops of all navigation lines of public transport (vaporetti ACTV), from which you can reach easily many places of the city and the lagoon islands.


Other Carparks with Piazzale Roma:



Piazzale Roma 467/F, 30135 Venezia - Tel: (0039) 0415232213

Prices: € 22,00 each 12 hours; € 28,00 each 24 hours



expensive, advisable only for short stops

Prices each 2 hours: 0-2 € 4,50; 2-4 € 9,00; 4-6 € 13,50; 6-8 € 18,00; 8-10 € 22,50



Piazzale Roma 466,30135 Venezia - Tel: (0039) 0415228725

Price: € 25/35 per day



S. Croce 513,30135 Venezia - Tel: (0039) 0415207979

Price: € 25/35 per day


Solution 3: Tronchetto parking

The principal alternative to Piazzale Roma carparks is the large parking on the island of Tronchetto, the "Venezia Tronchetto Parking". Is far approximately a kilometer from Piazzale Roma but is however well connects to him by the small train named "People-mover" (the trip take 3 minutes) and to the center of Venice by the public boats.

About People-mover:


How to reach this parking:

At the fire to the end of the "Ponte della Libertà", take the descent on the right and turn to right and cross the bridge. After 150 meters, you arrive to the carpark: the entry is on the right. The ticket of parking is gived automatically by columns.


Characteristics of the TRONCHETTO PARKING

Venezia Tronchetto Carpark -30125 Venezia (VE) - Isola Nuova del Tronchetto - Tel: (0039) 041 5207555 - Fax: (0039) 041 5285750 -

Price: 20 € per day

Is possible to pay with credit cards (Visa, Mastercard etc) and Bancomat.


The carpark of Tronchetto island is a garage of 6 stages which has 3500 covered car places. An open area is reserved to buses and motor homes. A column for the supply out of drinking water and electricity and for the unloading of waste water is at disposal of each motor home. It's necessary to pass to the cash before take its vehicle.

This carpark is open 24:00 /24h.


From Tronchetto parking you can reach the downtown:

1 - by public transport:

a) by boat named vaporetto every 10 minutes from 8 am to 8 pm, direction San Marco or Rialto, with intermediate stops;

b) by bus n° 6, every 20 minutes from 8 am to 8 pm, to Piazzale Roma;

2 - by great tourism boats of private companies;

3 - by feets (in a half hour)

The stop of the vaporetto is at 50 meters from the carpark cash. (Be wary to the people who propose to lead you in the centre town by other boats or not-authorized taxis).


Solution 4: Mestre parkings

Another possibility is leave its vehicle in Mestre and join Venice by public transports: an advisable solution in the days of maximum tourist surge.


a) Mestre Railways Station parkings

In front of the Mestre Railways Station there are several kept carparks, which cost the same price of those of Piazzale Roma. From there you can reach Venice by bus or by train. The ticket price of the train is 1,50 € and the trip take 10 minutes.


b) Free Exchanger parking areas (carparks "scambiatori")

Around Mestre town you find many carparks close to the mains roads. Free and not kept, they are intended for all the users who envisage long stops. The principal ones are along the peripheral way or "tangenziale" which you take leaving the motorway following the direction "Trieste"

Other indications in this blog in the dedicated article:


c) Parkings of San Giuliano park

An intermediate solution between the precedents is parking the vehicle near the big park of San Giuliano. Its three public carparks are partially kept in the day. Remember however that the stops of bus lines to Venice are not in proximity, but only at 200 meters from that more advisable (Porta Gialla).


How to reach these carparks:

After crossing the pay toll of the motorway, do not take the peripheral way or "tangenziale" ("Trieste") but follow the direction "Ravenna/Venezia" on the right. Go towards Venice and after three kilometers, before taking the "Ponte della Libertà", you will see the panel with the indication of "SS.14" to Trieste. Turn on the right and at the top of the overpass you will see the large park of San Giuliano, one of vastest of Europe. If you will turn right at once after the descent, towards San Giuliano Point (on the right of the access of parks) you will find towards the end of the road the carpark cheaper.


Characteristics of the PARKINGS OF PARK SAN GIULIANO

Locality San Giuliano - Venice - tel. 3407038574

Prices: 1€ until 3 hours - 4€ per day - 15€ per week, from Monday to Friday. Corresponding with each of the three principal accesses of the park, there is three carparks at open air, each one taking the name from one of the three doors of the park: carpark Porta Rossa, carpark Porta Blu and carpark Porta Gialla The carparks Porta Rossa and Porta Blu are a little more expensive (8, 50 €/day), because they are reserved for the temporary stops. The Porta Gialla parking is equipped for the motor homes or caravans too.

At the disposal of the customers there's picnic areas, toilets, showers, equipment for the draining of the chemical WC of motor homes and caravans, and a station of washing car. It is open 24/24 hours, but  the access to the motor homes is possible only from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. and by reservation with a fax (0039)0415054687.


The carparks are connected to Venice in 10 minutes by the service of public transport ACTV - bus lines nn. 5,12,19 and all other lines named "Venezia".

Ticket price: 1,50 € (Informations:


It is advised not to go to the stop which is located beyond the pedestrian bridge, near the entry of the park. This stop is too far and is served by only one bus line. There is a stop on the another side of the roundabout, very close to the road bridge towards Venice, which however is far approximately 500 meters from the entry from Porta Gialla. Remeber also that you will not find pavements and pedestrians crossing to arrive there (!)



PHOTOGRAPHS: Carparks of Piazzale Roma


 While arriving on Piazzale Roma, you see on the right the large white building of "Autorimessa Comunale". The lineary windows are typical of architecture of Thirties


After turning on the right, at the opposite corner you find the " Garage San Marco".


PHOTOGRAPHS: Parkings of the Park San Giuliano


Turn right after the descent of the road bridge of San Giuliano, where you will see the indications of the carpark…


You will follow a road, flanked by trees, for 400 meters. To go up towards the stopping of the buses you will have to make it with feet, and there is no pavement!



Towards its end is the entry of the carpark named "Porta Gialla"


The entry of the carpark is prohibited to motor homes from 10.00 p.m. to 8.00 a.m.




While turning over towards the main entrance of the park, you find the carpark Porta Blu, at the bottom of the image (you recognize them by a panel of same color)…


And, after 150 meters, that of Porta Rossa. As you can see, the two parks do not offer the shelter of the trees.


Do not go to buses stop for Venice which is beyond the pedestrian bridge (on the left in the photograph), too distant and badly served.


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